
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

#HTC buttons.

From the first day when I bought my HTC Wildfire I was always curious why such powerful device lacks of such simple thing like switchable buttons LEDs when it's hold in horizontal position. And when I found out that HTC HD has the same buttons layout I tried to visualize my thoughts on picture below.
This mockup has 8 LEDs instead of 4 and buttons sensor zones are expanded.
Basically when device is turned - first(horizontal) set turns off and vertical starts to glow. - Free Image Hosting

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Batman the Brave and the Bold for Wii review

As a fan of a series(watched all episodes of season one and two) I was uberexited about the game. And videos made me think that its an awesome beat em up. Well its not.
Starting from a tutorial my fantasies and dreams of playing the ultimate batman game for the Wii began to fade away.

Controlls are FUCKED up.

All things that you could do on classic/pro/gc controller are bounded to wiimote and nunchuck. To do a special attack you have to shake Wiimote, and to do Power Attack you have to shake nunchuck at the same time. If it was QTE it would be probably okay, but shaking every five seconds mechanics doesn't work and are not appealing to many gamers, there were tons of vidiogames on Wii who failed just because of the controlls, and BtBatB is going the same way. Seriously?
And its obvious to use Wiiremote and Nunchuk when you have to 2-3 buttons used, but in this game almost every button is bind to something important for good gameplay expirience - like grapple on "-" button and 1 to call superhero for a support. I can't remember any game wich used so many buttons so often. Even Monster Hunter Tri didn't asked us to use all the buttons all the time. But it was MMORPG, and it would be okay if we had to, but BtBatB is a fucking beat 'em up - mash two buttons to proceed to next level, thats the scheme which succeeded through all these years.
Even more complex metroid uses one wiiremote in different positions. And frankly saying I thought that BtBatB will use the same controlls, and ofcourse will offer to switch to wii related gamepads controll scheme.
This is the most disappointing part of the game. Which made me drop it for no more frustration.

At first with all these buttons and actions you have you think that you'll get a challenging game - na-ah. Its plain and simple. For twenty minutes of gameplay that I could handle I had to fight the same minions all the time, with some variations of cat goddesses statues. You can kill(okay KO, its Batman remember?) them either with your fists(since when did Batman got super powers???) either with your batarang. After two chapters that I've played AI stats were 4-5 times lower than mine, and nothing more has to be said. In some places you'll have to wait until AI will use its special skill, and you never can tell when it's going to use it.
And also it has the most laggy throwing mechanics of ALL TIME.

Anyway I wasn't that excited playing the game as I was watching trailers.
Marketing department 1 - Programming department 0.

I'll give BtBatB 2 out of 5. And it's really sad.

Monday, September 6, 2010

So wanting this!

And there's another Korg software coming this December for DS. So I won't sell it before I try it :D

Going Rouge

I've always been fond of rougelike games, since ADOM that I've played at school. Then it was nethack and nowdays I play a lot in POWDER for DS.

And minutes ago I have discovered this awesome rougelike written on HTML5. It has great features and chrome friendly(I don't know if it works in Firefox).

Its in the modern days setting and has some really funny stuff like red track pants. Wich gives you -2 Beauty Bonus :D - Free Image Hosting

UPD: Also this is even better and made on Flash.

New job

Starting from today I'll be working in new place. Though, it takes about 1 hour or so to get there.
So I've uploaded lot's of comics to my DS lite* and music to my Sony Walkman NWZ 545**.

* Its shell has a crack, but I'm waiting for a new one + special screwdrivers for its replacement in about a week.

** Few days ago I realized that paying over 40 bucks would get me W705 Sony-Ericsson phone with same music player functionality + playlist creation on the go and ofcourse Wi-Fi(with tons of other features). So I'll sell it and get W705 next week. Never been so fancy of iPhone or Andriod(yes a I'm a cheap ass :D)

Oh, and I have just added publishing from this blog to my twitter and facebook accounts.
"Effective blogger wannabe" :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010 - Free Image Hosting

Made this a week ago. really

In this blog I will share my impressions of things that I watch, play or even think about.

Now I'm playing Metroid Other M, ofcourse its a shame that I didn't play previous games of this magnificent series, but all I can see in this game is really boring cutscenes and emotionally unstable Samus, who talks to herself a lot.

You won't see her acting so cool in this game.